Archives For November 30, 1999

The 4th of April. 

I would really appreciate it if the weather would decide what season it wants to be. Today we’ve had bright sunshine and hailstorms. Monica found them absolutely fascinating, although I’m not sure she would have enjoyed them quite so much had she been outside. 

This morning was a blog post and some kitty cuddles. I need to protect myself when I’m wearing leggings because I have little scratches on my thighs from when she’s jumped off my lap, even after her claws have been trimmed. 

I did not like today’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, it was very stressful and sad. I may have had a tiny cry. Then it was time to go to the gym, but I had to make Mommy park the car so I could wait to hear Helen stab Rob on The Archers. I can’t say I noticed the point at which I became middle-aged. Never mind. When I got up to the changing room, someone had taken the locker that I always use (grr), but then I was able to do everything I wanted in the right order, which placated me a bit. I think the Hoarder Lady must have been lurking my tweets, because she came over to ask if I wanted the mat because she was leaving. It’s that, or I was giving off some seriously passive-aggressive vibes. Oh well! Then I left just in time to avoid Happy Clappy Chap. Excellent. 

The 5th of April. 

Blinding sun again, and no hail today! Progress for the weather. Let’s try and keep this consistency. 

It’s been a rest day, so not much to report. I had a phone call from Jen as I was about to start eating my Shreddies, because she was going to Lee’s garage and wondered if I needed any more supplies. No food or litter, but she had “three tons of Dreamies” so she brought me some of those, along with some blankets to send with cats when they’re homed. 

I spent most of my morning waiting for her, as I didn’t know what time she’d appear, so I decided to do some more crocheting. I’m doing the pyjama set which includes a nightcap and a teddy, and I’ve made most of the bear. Just needs a head. 

I hung out with Monica a bit this afternoon and we watched an episode on Fringe while she kneaded my jumper, until Mommy returned from taking Grandma home from Fellowship. Then we caught up on last night’s Criminal Minds (bad times for Derek) and The Island with Bear Grylls (Simon is a sexist prick and I sincerely hope Erica gives him a swift kick in the balls). We started on The Oliviers from the other night, but then Christine rang for chats, so now here we are!

My left eye has been incredibly bothersome all day. Eye drops not helping. Pah. 

The 20th of October. 

This is going to be another short one because it’s been another kittens and Netflix day. Instead of Netflix and chill, I do Netflix and cat cuddles. I’ve had them both on my lap for most of the day while Daddy’s been out walking all the canals (he has the week off – other fun activities include a visit to the Gloucester service station and no I am not joking) and Mommy’s been ferrying Grandma places.

It’s probably not wise for me to get so attached to these kittens because they will have to go, and I’m sure we’ll get some more who will enjoy being fussed just as much, but I don’t care, I want to keep them. Very bad.  

I’m also really tired for no particular reason – I’ve been sleeping enough and not exactly busy so I haven’t worn myself out. I just want to have a little nap which isn’t going to happen because I’m not ill. 

The 21st of October. 

I tore myself away from the kittens today. I went in to see them this morning and they enjoyed trying to eat the zip and toggles of my hoodie, and Nick climbed up onto the back of the armchair to give my hair a good sniff. 

I had a chiropractor appointment at quarter past eleven, and on the way, we saw a car had driven through the fence and into the front garden of a house by the roundabout on Monmouth Drive, narrowly missing the street sign and rhododendron bush. There were a few crunches Trine needed to do, but not much else so we were on our way pretty quickly. 

We went into Sutton before going home, taking back some of Grandma’s jumpers to BHS, buying some eggs from Aldi where there was a very angry baby who had no shoes on, and we picked up an order from M&S and a birthday card from Paperchase. On the way home, the car we’d seen was being taken away. How it happened is a mystery. 

During lunch, we watched a new episode of Criminal Minds which was a little bit annoying because a man was murdering people by injecting their faces with nutritional supplement food, but we knew from experience that it’s impossible to get it through a needle that small. Bad research. 

This afternoon, I went to the gym and climbed the stairs again! Got all the things done that I wanted to do and saw the man who was on all my machines the other day get sniped so generally very pleasing!










The 27th of April.

Ughhh I am so sleepy. We think my haemoglobin might be low, so going to 621 tomorrow to have it checked.

I was awake at nine, and before Mommy went to see Grandma, we packed up some sandals to go back to Asos and the pig off to Buckinghamshire. I spent my morning writing a blog post and I found the iMac needed an update so it’s been doing that all day.

I was back at the chiro this afternoon for more lower-back/bum massaging. I’m back next Tuesday for more. The spasm has been a right bastard but I will be back at the gym tomorrow afternoon, working the muscle and stretching it out.

Once we got back, we watched two episodes of Criminal Minds. I am just so tired, I would like a massive sleep tonight.

The 28th of April.

Busy! Well, busy for me. I got up at half past nine, despite my possibly anaemic body not wanting me to. After breakfast and coffee, we toddled off to the QE to have my bloods checked to see if I do need blood before we go away next week. They couldn’t tell me straight away like normal as their analyser had broken, so I’ll check myhealth later.

After we’d had lunch and Mommy had taken Grandma to fellowship, she took me to the gym and I’ve spent all afternoon there. A good three hours of hard work, and very few youths today! The sweaty one was there, and either he or his friend smelled really bad which was upsetting.

When checking my email, I discovered that Fortnum & Mason have brought out a marmalade hamper, so I tweeted that if anyone wanted to buy me a random present, this existed, and bless them, someone is! My followers are great.

The 3rd of March.

Again, did not want to get up but did so as Angela was coming round at some point between nine and ten and I felt that I ought to be presentable.

She arrived at about quarter to ten, bearing gifts of wedding cake which I had a slice of at lunchtime and it was, as she warned me, very boozy and rich. It was tasty but I couldn’t eat a bigger piece.

So we spent the morning watching Jeremy Kyle and This Morning, putting the world to rights and she told me a bit about her brother’s wedding and how her training for the half marathon is going (she’s running it for me/Anthony Nolan, go sponsor her here).

Her brother came to pick her up just after one, and I had some lunch of a ham omelette as my tummy was grumbly.

After lunch and an episode of Criminal Minds, Mommy went to see Grandma and I got my ukulele out and played a little. Had to remind myself of some chords but it wasn’t too hard to pick back up. I’m still quite shit though.

Tonight I’m going to watch Mary Berry, then have a massive sleep. Well that’s the plan.

The 4th of March.

Today has been really rather unproductive. I slept until half past nine, which was a joy, then I spent the morning watching tv and looking out of the window for the people who came to collect the Be Child Cancer Aware charity bag to see if they looked reputable. Well the van seemed clean and the guy who took the bag looked as reasonable as one can, when wearing a grey hoodie and jogging bottoms. I could not glean masses of information.

This afternoon was much the same, except without the staring out of the window and the addition of the washing of my hair and reading of Heat.

Tonight has been pancakes! Cheese and leek ones to start (the greengrocer’s reaction when Mommy bought the leeks and mentioned savoury pancakes was “…Why?”), then I had one with just sugar, then one with chocolate spread, then one with sugar and lemon. I love pancakes so much. I remember two years ago I couldn’t have any as I had my bile ducts reconstructed the day before Shrove Tuesday and I wasn’t allowed to eat yet. So traumatic.

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